Discover Your Passions
Action Exercises
You are going to create your vision board. Gather the following materials: a piece of paper (preferably oak tag, your color of choice), 10-15 magazines/newspapers, one set of magic markers, scissors, one glue stick, your imagination.
Write the word "Personal" on one side and "Professional" on the opposite side. Begin cutting out images from the magazines/newspapers that represent what you want in your personal and professional life. Glue them on each side; decorate the paper with your own drawings if you desire. Make this your own; be proud when you look at this vision board.
Following this exercise, Congratulations! You have taken a major step towards realizing your dreams because now you can see them. To complete the Action Exercises, complete the following Worksheet describing what would hold you back from accomplishing your dreams.
Gain clarity, and therefore, be empowered.
After you complete the Worksheet, take a break if needed. Return when you are charged about taking the helm of your life, and packaging your passions into profits.
Understanding your Top Ten Passions List is critical. We recently transferred your passions from ideas to imagery. Now, take the leap from images to information. Write down your Top Ten Passions, those that you would put your name and reputation behind. By writing them down, you are beginning the process of, and essentially, starting to make them real. Print this Worksheet, and write down your Top Ten Passions. After you complete the exercise, take a break if needed. Return when you are charged about taking the helm of your life, and packaging your passions into profits.
Now that we are honing in on one primary passion, how can you become an expert in that field? You want to dedicate yourself to the study of this subject, as it is what you enjoy and can be used to build a career.
This is a pivotal step in this program. You are about to do what most of the population seemingly has difficult with--identify your top passion. Use this resource to do so.
After you complete the exercise, take a break if needed. Return when you are charged about taking the helm of your life, and packaging your passions into profits.
Be the captain, not the slave, of time. Consistent focus to make your dreams real will enable you to find the time to do so.
By completing this worksheet, you will be able to identify your procrastinators for elimination, schedule necessary break times to recharge and dedicate non-negotiable hours for business growth. Complete this Worksheet to be empowered with time management skills.
After you complete this exercise, Congratulations. You have completed the first week of Passion.
Training Information
Passion Video: 1 of 4
In this video, Michael Guberti will show you how to identify your passions, a mental approach to overcome fear and strategies to build confidence.
Training Information
Passion Video: 2 of 4
In this video, Michael Guberti explains the two characteristics of powerful passions that deserve to be on your Top Ten Passions List.
Training Information
Passion Video: 3 of 4
In this video, Marc Guberti explains how to narrow down your Top Ten Passions List to one specific passion, which can be a combination of multiple life goals.
Training Information
Passion Video: 4 of 4
Now you have identified your top passion and are charged to manifest it. How do you find the time to make it real? That is the subject of this video by Marc Guberti.