About Business Whiz Kids

Business Whiz Kids is a movement. We educate and empower teenagers worldwide to take their passions and convert them into products. By making a profitable income and propelling their future, teenagers will foster self-confidence by discovering their life’s purpose.

"Not only are you entrepreneurs at a very young age, you inspire others to be entrepreneurs."

"I have never heard of anyone so intensely focused on helping other people at such an early age. You are spearheading a whole new way of living life."

"Thank you for carrying the torch forward for the future making this world a better place, making people happier more fulfilled, and helping other people to make a difference in the world."

-Jeff Steinmann, Host of the How to Quit Working Show

"When I'm concerned about the future of this country, I see young men like this and I'm filled with hope. I feel optimistic about the future"

-Marty Heiser, Regional Television Host

"Marc is a case study for time management."

-U.S. News and World Report: Money

"You'd be really blown away if you hear from them and all the things they have achieved so far"

-Usha Kumar, Television Host

"[The] Brothers Aim to Turn Teen Peers Into Entrepreneurs"

-Westchester Business Journal

Identify your passions, package them into products, promote those products to profit, and propel your future success.

Business Whiz Kids

Our Founders

Michael and Marc Guberti believe in elevating and uplifting others. The two founders work to raise the level of their students' lives, raising others' standards towards a more peaceful and prosperous life. These guiding beliefs manifest themselves through the Business Whiz Kids Boot Camp, Coaching, Speaking and other services.

  • Michael Guberti

    The 18 year old inspires others as a motivational speaker, blogger and intrapreneur (instilling the entrepreneurial mindset into business organizations)

  • Marc Guberti

    The 17 year old with over 210,000 Twitter followers and 21,000 Pinterest followers, the media maven educates individuals and companies how to magnify their online presence.