Why You Must Keep Your Standards High In the Midst of Disappointments

Some people set high standards for their lives. This is an admirable act, not one that everyone participates in. However, many of the star-shooters stop their pursuit of brilliance because of frequent disappointments and their eventual lack of motivation. This cycle accelerates, with disappointments fueling the dissipation of motivation. Many psychologists have pointed out this…
Two Strategies To Remain Motivated Against A Mountain of Work

Almost everyone is busy. That is a common excuse explaining why people are not productive. Interestingly, people are too busy to be productive. They face a mountain of checklists and to-do items. Overwhelmed, they do not break down the situation and figure it out. The lines of priorities are blurred by mundane tasks. The potency…
Two Strategies To Purposefully Direct Your Curiosity

There are an infinite numbers of situations, items, people or events that a person can be interested in. As a result, many people’s curiosity is widespread, filled with organizations, memberships and relationships spanning countless different genres. The potency of one’s attentiveness and real curiosity may decrease as a result. How many items can a person…
Why You Should Consult Your Inner Success Shaman

Success is attained by those who choose to manifest it. The road to prosperity can be long and unforgiving; however, the psychological and physical bounty outweighs the pain from outward blows of other people and obstacles. There will be times when a successful individual will need to look in the mirror and say, “I need to…
How To Manage Criticism

Some people enjoy giving criticism more than they do receiving it. However, whenever someone suggests a modification to your work, you should perform the same action every time: evaluate the source of the criticism. Is this a person who wants to infuse a negative mindset into you, or is actually recommending change to help you?…