Two Strategies To Combine Effort and Enthusiasm
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
Can you think of a person who is too hard on himself or herself? Maybe you can think of an individual who has no standards, and is too easy on himself or herself. Such is the line between comfort and challenge that all people face. We must decide to spark or slow ourselves, as well…
Two Strategies To Maintain A Humble Attitude
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
Some people become successful, and then adopt an attitude of condescension. I was talking to a successful entrepreneur the other day, and he described the toxic egoism that can result from success. Ego is the enemy of learning, because learning requires you to accept the role of a student. A student is a humbling role…
How To Enjoy Reaching a Higher Standard
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
So many people want to raise their standard. The fields of this desire range from personal development, fitness, press, business, science, and many other disciplines. Without the desire to improve or further yourself, stagnancy sets in. Complacency follows as progress exits. The drive for progress is essential for everyone, yet many people choose to ignore…
Why All The Motivation You Need Is Within
Life is a constant negotiation. You are negotiating the interests of others in a business transaction, and trying to make the situation win-win. You are negotiating your time, deciding which tasks hold the most importance to you and then acting on those. Intellectual negotiation regarding motivation and self-belief molds the leaders of society. There have…
How To Triumph Through The Trudge of Slow Progress
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
Many people are in search of transcendence. They want to get to the next level of achievement, peace, productivity and other desirable goals. People who reach high levels of a desired result are looked up to by society, and become the gurus. Results, and how fast a person can manifest them, are ardently desired by…
Two Strategies To Believe In Your Abilities
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
People have incredible amounts of ideas, many of which are innovative and positive. They have thought about ways to live their life, new forms of communication, optimizing transportation, and even becoming an artist. They would like to manifest these ideas, but do not because they either lack self-belief or are taught that their ideas are…
How You Can Attain Peace and Prosperity
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
Many people would argue that these two paradigms are at opposite ends of the spectrum. How can you be at peace if you are so busy trying to be successful? This is the argument of those who see peace as an activity that does not require effort. In their minds, peace can not involve strain…
Why Your Interpretation Determines Your Life
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
Happiness, sadness, strength and weakness is a matter of the mind. Interpretation controls how the world appears to you, and that reality becomes your life. You can choose to view a situation that others see as uncomfortable as one that fosters growth. A disagreement can merely be interpreted as a joint realignment of beliefs. Your…
Two Strategies To See The Extraordinary In the Ordinary
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
The old adage of taking nothing for granted is so powerful, yet so rarely applied. If people learned to see the beauty in their normal lives, global enthusiasm would skyrocket. I take joy in the fact that I can type this message in the form of a blog post. I have fingers that move correctly,…
Why Team Connectivity Is Crucial
![Teenager Entrepreneur](
Disorganized teams do not produce quality content as frequently as they could. A disconnect between different departments may exist which makes productivity stagnate. Although team members should not be glued to their emails or text messages waiting for your feedback, they should know that coordinating with other team members is a priority. Many current companies…