How To Triumph Through The Trudge of Slow Progress

Many people are in search of transcendence. They want to get to the next level of achievement, peace, productivity and other desirable goals. People who reach high levels of a desired result are looked up to by society, and become the gurus. Results, and how fast a person can manifest them, are ardently desired by…
Two Strategies To Believe In Your Abilities

People have incredible amounts of ideas, many of which are innovative and positive. They have thought about ways to live their life, new forms of communication, optimizing transportation, and even becoming an artist. They would like to manifest these ideas, but do not because they either lack self-belief or are taught that their ideas are…
How You Can Attain Peace and Prosperity

Many people would argue that these two paradigms are at opposite ends of the spectrum. How can you be at peace if you are so busy trying to be successful? This is the argument of those who see peace as an activity that does not require effort. In their minds, peace can not involve strain…
Why Your Interpretation Determines Your Life

Happiness, sadness, strength and weakness is a matter of the mind. Interpretation controls how the world appears to you, and that reality becomes your life. You can choose to view a situation that others see as uncomfortable as one that fosters growth. A disagreement can merely be interpreted as a joint realignment of beliefs. Your…
Two Strategies To See The Extraordinary In the Ordinary

The old adage of taking nothing for granted is so powerful, yet so rarely applied. If people learned to see the beauty in their normal lives, global enthusiasm would skyrocket. I take joy in the fact that I can type this message in the form of a blog post. I have fingers that move correctly,…
Why Team Connectivity Is Crucial

Disorganized teams do not produce quality content as frequently as they could. A disconnect between different departments may exist which makes productivity stagnate. Although team members should not be glued to their emails or text messages waiting for your feedback, they should know that coordinating with other team members is a priority. Many current companies…
How to Balance Familial, Fiscal and Fitness Responsibilities

When you initially start a business, you have to be every department—promotion, product, future projections, current goals, passion, propelling motivation, etc. This can overwhelm business owners as they try to carry the burden normally assigned to at least over 100 people. Constantly putting out fires while trying to construct projects, a person can collapse under…
Why You Must Keep Your Standards High In the Midst of Disappointments

Some people set high standards for their lives. This is an admirable act, not one that everyone participates in. However, many of the star-shooters stop their pursuit of brilliance because of frequent disappointments and their eventual lack of motivation. This cycle accelerates, with disappointments fueling the dissipation of motivation. Many psychologists have pointed out this…
Two Strategies To Remain Motivated Against A Mountain of Work

Almost everyone is busy. That is a common excuse explaining why people are not productive. Interestingly, people are too busy to be productive. They face a mountain of checklists and to-do items. Overwhelmed, they do not break down the situation and figure it out. The lines of priorities are blurred by mundane tasks. The potency…
Two Strategies To Purposefully Direct Your Curiosity

There are an infinite numbers of situations, items, people or events that a person can be interested in. As a result, many people’s curiosity is widespread, filled with organizations, memberships and relationships spanning countless different genres. The potency of one’s attentiveness and real curiosity may decrease as a result. How many items can a person…